Easier way to add people to room
research & development
Chris Robert Travis
I often have medical students sit in on patient sessions and will ask my patients first if they are OK with it- this is fine, but when adding the student, it ends up being a bit disruptive since it resets the call. Is there a way to add students/additional users more seamlessly so as to avoid this issue? Thank you!
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Unable to pause patient to connect 3rd person joining
Sandra DeJesus
Unable to pause patient to connect 3rd person joining. Please add back feature. Currently patient has to be dropped and reconnect to join 3 way unless directly connected.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add additional client/patient to active call with one click invite
Shawna Morrison
Currently, there is no capability to add a client or patient to an active call without pausing the call and inviting from the dashboard or navigating to the dashboard in another tab. Suggestion is to have a button in-call that provides the ability to invite someone to an active call to reduce interruption and room for error. Many errors occur while attempting to invite another user - hanging up the call or closing the current tab for example.
Bryan Zitzman
research & development
Bryan Zitzman
Hi Chris Robert Travis. Thank you for sharing this request. We are are working on a new and improved version of doxy.me. In the new version, the call does not start when adding new people to the call. It will be a more seamless experience for sure.