Maintain my video
research & development
Wolfgang Scheinhart
Would like to see my video whilst sharing my screen -- would love a pop out feature where I can see a minimized video of me on top of the screen/desktop. Often during screen share we show the patient something and I want to make sure I'm positioned correctly for my camera.
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Dylan Turner
Oops, I'm sorry I misunderstood. There is a way to do this. Once you are in a call, right click on your own video. When a pop up comes up, click on "picture-in-picture" and your own video will be popped out. I'll attach a screenshot here how to do that.
Dylan Turner
research & development
Dylan Turner
Dylan Turner
Wolfgang Scheinhart: ahh okay this makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the detailed feedback! Okay I'm going to take this to the team for our PiP improvements.
Dylan Turner
Oops, I'm sorry I misunderstood. There is a way to do this. Once you are in a call, right click on your own video. When a pop up comes up, click on "picture-in-picture" and your own video will be popped out. I'll attach a screenshot here how to do that.
Dylan Turner
generally available
Dylan Turner
Hi Wolfgang, we actually do support this with our Picture-in-Picture ability. See this article for more information: