Make it possible to transfer more than one file at a time
research & development
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Maria Savchenko
Thank you for this feedback, David Sinclair. We're looking into improvements for File Transfer as we work toward our new designs. We're likely to include the ability to choose multiple files to transfer at once.
There are a couple other opportunities we are exploring. For example, we are considering giving you the option to preview the file names before sending them so you can confirm that you have selected the correct files before you transfer them to the patient. We'd be interested to hear thoughts about this change, or any other suggestions you have.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
File Uploads
DrOnline DrOnline
File Uploads: It would be very helpful to enable the uploading of multiple files at once, instead of requiring individual uploads.
Maria Savchenko
research & development
Maria Savchenko
Thank you for this feedback, David Sinclair. We're looking into improvements for File Transfer as we work toward our new designs. We're likely to include the ability to choose multiple files to transfer at once.
There are a couple other opportunities we are exploring. For example, we are considering giving you the option to preview the file names before sending them so you can confirm that you have selected the correct files before you transfer them to the patient. We'd be interested to hear thoughts about this change, or any other suggestions you have.