Add an on-screen timer/clock
research & development
I would like to have a clock or timer that could display to the patient and myself during the session since they will often wait until the end of the session to get to what's really on their mind.
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Bryan Zitzman
Thank you for this request! There was some good discussion about this topic in our old forum. Some of our customers were very much opposed to the idea, and others really liked it. Given that this continues to appeal to many of you, we will definitely be looking into this. In the end, it will likely be an optional feature that you can choose to use or not.
Although we have a number of other improvements that we are focused on right now, we hope to be able to look further into this later this year. When we do, I will likely be reaching out here to ask for volunteers to meet with me so I can fully understand the pain points that you are hoping this feature will solve. So stay tuned and feel free to offer any additional details about this feature request! Remember to focus on the problems you are trying to solve, or the jobs you are hoping to accomplish with the timer.
Aneesh Kulkarni
Merged in a post:
Time Clock
Melissa McDaniel
It would be great if there was a clock in the app that clients/therapist could see to help keep track of the time of the session.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
A timer
Candace Thornton
Hello, it would be nice to have a timer on the screen. I notice some other people have requested that as well. Having a timer or clock would be very beneficial so I don't have to keep looking at an external clock during session.
Canny AI
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Lauren Williams
This is the only feature that would improve quality of life of the clinician while improving the app. Many people would pay for the Pro version if you had that. It's like everything you guys spend time to add really shows a lack of being in touch with the time constraints to be a clinician. It is so tone deaf how many other features have been added and not a simple timer!!! If there is not a timer in a few months, I'll have to switch to zoom.
Schuyler Welch
Hi Lauren Williams, we will be adding a timer very soon. Do you have a few minutes to chat? I would love to get your feedback on designs:
Schuyler Welch
Merged in a post:
Client 5 minute Warning of Session Ending
Jeffrey Coira
Add a 5 minute timer for client to be aware of session coming to an end.
Schuyler Welch
Hello, great news we have some designs that we would love to get feedback on. This feedback will be important as we build out the timer that you will eventually be able to use! It should only take 15-20 minutes and as a thank you we will send a $25 Amazon gift card! Sign up here:
Thank you all, we have enough participants at this time!
John Swinnie
Merged in a post:
Countdown timer
Ana Adelstein
A timer visible to both clinician and patient - to help keep mindful of session time. Would prefer to be a feature clinician could turn on and off. And maybe one that would have different options for when timer appears. For example, a timer I could set so it would start 10 minutes before the end of the session, but keep track of the session duration at the same time.
John Swinnie
Merged in a post:
Update on timer on client's end?
Alicia Joel
For the pro version is there an update on when a timer is coming out on the client's end for them to be able to see the time in the session?
John Swinnie
Merged in a post:
On screen countdown timer
Deborah McKay
I want my patients to keep an eye on the clock too, not just me.
John Swinnie
Merged in a post:
Have the amount of time of the session in the corner of the screen
Samara Blei
Be aware of the time left in the session
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