Send invite while on active call
research & development
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A way to invite someone while still on a call
Cyncha Dato
It would be helpful if you could invite someone while you are still on a call.
Sometimes a call goes past time and I have a last minute person I want to invite, but instead of doing it with 30 mins to get them online I have to wait and that loses us session time together.
Canny AI
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Send links for next patient while in visit with current patient
Taylor Gingell
Since I cannot send a link to my next patient when in a session with current patient, sometimes the session runs late and the next patient is calling the office wondering why they did not receive a link.
Bryan Zitzman
research & development
Bryan Zitzman
Hi Steve Skiano, we are actually planning to add this feature soon to our newest version of that is in beta right now. It will allow you to send a text message invite while on a call, just like you can from the dashboard. Will that meet your needs?
John Swinnie
Merged in a post:
Send link to another person while connected to someone already.
Duren Gutierrez